Architect Brokerage User License

The most up-to-date information about the Brokerage User License, including costs, can be found on the Account page.

Unverified Account (Paper Trading)

Your unverified Architect account provides complimentary access to paper trading (GUI and API) with delayed marketdata.

Architect Verified Account

After completing KYC/AML verificaiton and making a deposit, you will have access to live trading and marketdata. There is no monthly fee for this account and it is subject to the commissions and fees listed here.

Architect Plus

To access the full suite of Architect features, individuals can upgrade to the Architect Plus account. The monthly fee is $100, which unlocks access to the following features:

  • Reduced commissions

  • Unlimited API trading access

  • Access to Architect's proprietary execution algorithms

Architect Institutional

If you are an institution interested in onboarding, please contact us at to begin the process.

Architect Institutional offers bespoke pricing based on trading and margin requirements, and includes full, unlimited access to the trading platform.

Last updated